Hotpod Yoga
Hotpod Yoga Berlin x Becycle Beyond Kreuzberg Studio Pop-up

Reichenberger Str. 36, Berlin, Berlin, 10999, DE

about the studio

We’re Europe’s largest yoga business. Since 2013, over 100,000 people have immersed themselves in a Hotpod class at one of our 50+ locations around the world.

Get ready for a dynamic collaboration between Hotpod Yoga Berlin and the vibrant Becycle Beyond Studio, happening from the 16th to the 18th of February. Nestled in the heart of Berlin, Beyond Studio is not your average fitness space – it’s a chic urban sanctuary designed for those seeking a wellness experience with a touch of city edge.

studio facilities

  • Showers
  • Mats
  • Changing
  • Parking

the hotpod experience

step into our immersive pod

hot yoga in 37 degree heat

move to relaxing beats

filled with calming scents

suitable for all levels


Für Jonathan ist Yoga eine Spielwiese – ein Ort um den eigenen Körper zu erfahren und das Gedankenkarussel im Geist zu beruhigen. Sein Unterrichtsstil? Ein Power Vinyasa Flow geprägt von anatomischer Ausrichtung und kreativen Sequenzen. Jonathan unterrichtet auf Deutsch.


Francesca’s yoga journey started with hot yoga here in Berlin and it was love at first sight. After many years of practice she decided to follow her dream and started to teach full time leaving her office job behind. Yoga is Francesca’s biggest passion and she had the privilege to spend the last 2 years traveling, teaching and practicing yoga with several teachers of incredible experience in many different countries around the globe. Francesca teaches in English.


Sebastiaan, who grew up in the Netherlands, simply loves yoga. His style is a strong Vinyasa Flow with an influence of traditional Asthanga Yoga. He uses movement and breath to connect with the mind. Sebastiaan enjoys building poses from scratch, making sure the poses are functional and executed in a safe way. Breaking a sweat guaranteed. Sebastiaan teaches in English.


Dani’s Stunden fordern heraus indem sie dynamische Bewegungen mit erholsamen Phasen verbinden. Wenn Körper und Geist diesen Wechsel in den Yogastunden üben, dann gelingt es uns im Alltag besser unsere Energie effektiv zu nutzen und in Pausen wirklich zu entspannen. Dani unterrichtet auf Deutsch.


Melissa is an advocate for functional and intuitive movement drawing from an extensive background in yoga, fitness, dance and eastern movement training. Making movement fun and accessible for everyone is her greatest passion. She will guide you into flow state, helping you tap into the present moment. Her classes will help you to move better, become stronger, connect deeper and feel more grounded in your own practice. Melissa leads classes in English and German.


Aleksandra is a young and energetic Vinyasa instructor who was inspired by the contrasts of physical body workout and peacefulness of Shavasana. She ties the health benefits of yoga practice with a strong creative approach and elements of fun and ease. There is always plenty of space left for your own creativity and a choice of numerous variations and modifications provided.
Aleks teaches in English.

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