Assists and Adjustments 2 Day Training Course

Yoga Assists & Adjusts Weekend Workshop

Saturday 22nd March & Sunday 23rd March

Time: 9.30am - 5pm

Venue: Hotpod Yoga Teacher Training Academy, Hackney, London E8

This course is for :

  • Yoga and movement teachers
  • Yoga teachers in training

20 Hour YA Accredited

You must be able to attend both days. Course fee is non-refundable. 

Cost: £250

Payment Options: You can choose to pay in full or pay a £50 deposit, and then a payment plan will be available upon request, (once deposit is paid). Full fee must be paid in full before the course starts.

Please email to discuss further.

Course Description:

This training course is for any yoga teacher who would like to grow their assists & adjustments vocabulary, improve confidence through touch and connect on a different level with their students. When done well, hands on adjustments & assists can be a very powerful tool to enhance the experience of the practice. These skills can be individualised and applied in any yoga class to help students find the safest and most beneficial expression of a pose.You will not only spend time learning how to assists and adjust, you will also have lots of time to apply your skills in the context of a class.

This course will count towards Yoga Alliance Continued Education and will be led by Elodie Frati.

Cost £250 for two days.
Fee is non-refundable